Please ask your MP to protect our right to say NO
Please ask your MP to protect our right to say NO

This Tuesday 10th March at 2.30pm in a seemingly banal Committee Room 12 meeting a few Members of Parliament plan to rubber stamp a proposal that aims to enforce nuclear dumping.   Remember that we said a big fat NO not one, not two but THREE TIMES already to a geological dump under Cumbria?  Well that ability, that slim sliver of democracy that we have used to enable us to say no is about to disappear unless…

MPs have possibly their only chance to represent your views this coming TUESDAY 10TH MARCH at 2.30pm, Committee Room 12.

PLEASE EMAIL YOUR MP or telephone and ask them to attend the meeting on Tues to ensure that democracy is not dumped.  We need Members of Parliament to NOT CONSENT to new proposals that will remove the existing right of local planning authorities to scrutinize plans and decide on the siting of A NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP.

The House of Lords is already on the way to rubber stamping this despite the voices of dissent. MANY THANKS to all who wrote to the Lords urging them to NOT CONSENT (to making nuclear dumping a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project).  This has paved the way for more and more voices of outrage from our leaders.  Democracy should not be dumped in order to smooth the way for the nuclear agenda.

Ironically the very same day, just a few hours later at 7.00pm in the House of Commons there will be a Public Meeting to Remember Fukushima. To remember that the very fabric of life is threatened by the UK government’s insistence on the plan to dangerously dump nuclear waste in deep boreholes or in our fractured geology, in order to clear the decks for more nuclear waste.

 We must not lose our right to say NO.


PLEASE WRITE TO YOUR MP – even a few lines would be great – feel free to use the information above and here 

Please join the Facebook group dedicated to this and add your MP here when you have written …https://www.facebook.com/NoNukeDumping

A letter to Tim Farron

—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: Please Protect Our Right to Say NO TO NUKE DUMP
From: marianne birkby
Date: Sun, March 8, 2015 9:05 pm
To: tim@timfarron.co.uk

Dear Tim,

You may remember I wrote to you about the meeting in the House of Lords
that aimed to make Nuclear Dumping a Nationally Significant Infrastructure
Project thus removing the right of the public and local councils to say no
either by a democratic vote or by public inquiry.

Now the same plan is going before MPs (who knew? we didn’t until yesterday!)

This Tuesday 10th March at 2.30pm in a seemingly banal Committee Room 12
meeting a few Members of Parliament plan to rubber stamp a proposal that
aims to enforce nuclear dumping by making it a Nationally Significant
Infrastructure Project. You will remember that Cumbria has already said
a big fat NO not one, not two but THREE TIMES already to a geological dump
under our land.

Well that ability, that slim sliver of democracy that we have used to
enable us to say no until now is about to disappear unless…

You are our MP, and you may have possibly this one chance to represent our
views this coming TUESDAY 10TH MARCH at 2.30pm, Committee Room 12.

PLEASE attend the meeting on Tues to ensure that democracy is not dumped.
PLEASE DO NOT CONSENT to new proposals that will remove the existing
right of local planning authorities to scrutinize plans and decide on the

The House of Lords is already on the way to rubber stamping this despite
the voices of dissent. Democracy should not be dumped in order to smooth
the way for the diabolic nuclear agenda.

Ironically the very same day, just a few hours later at 7.00pm in the
House of Commons there will be a Public Meeting to Remember Fukushima. To
remember that the very fabric of life is threatened by the UK government’s
insistence on the plan to dangerously dump nuclear waste in deep boreholes
or in our fractured geology, in order to clear the decks for more nuclear

I am sure you would agree that we must not lose our right to say NO.

This letter is not carefully crafted or worded but it is heartfelt and I
hope that you are able to ensure the heart of Cumbria is not ripped out by
this extreme industry and replaced with ever increasing nuclear wastes

yours sincerely,

Marianne Birkby
on behalf of Radiation Free Lakeland


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