Petition and Postcards to Support Hanna Poddig who blockaded a train of Uranium Hexaflouride and is now in Prison

Please show your support:   Hanna and her friends blocked a train carrying depleted uranium hexafluoride, running unannounced through densely populated areas in Germany. In case of a rail accident, this waste would have contaminated a vast region. In relation to that entirely peaceful and significant protest, bringing attention to the unacceptable nuclear hazards, Hannah Poddig has been served a jail sentence of 110 days.


Hanna is looking forward to receiving letters and postcards of solidarity. She expects to be released after about four weeks of imprisonment, as activist groups already started collecting donations to spare her of some of the 110 days in prison possible. Peaceful actions against nuclear power, as well as declarations of solidarity, and photos of support are also welcome.

Her address in prison:
Mrs. Hanna Poddig
JVA Hildesheim
Godehardplatz 7
D-31134 Hildesheim,

Postcard to Hanna: image is of Rydal, Cumbria UK.   20 miles from Sellafield and 47 miles from Springfields as the Kingfisher flies.

Rydal - 20 Miles from Sellafield, 47 miles from Springfields as the Kingfisher flies.JPG

2 thoughts on “Petition and Postcards to Support Hanna Poddig who blockaded a train of Uranium Hexaflouride and is now in Prison

  1. Pingback: German Anti-Nuclear Activist Jailed for Blocking Train Carrying Radioactive Waste Through Densely Populated Areas | Mining Awareness +

  2. Pingback: The View from the US: Hanna Poddig’s brave stand against nuclear transports

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