WARNING to Parents: 175 Years Ago Fission Product Radioactive Particles in Sand Castles Would Be Impossible. Now, After 70 Years of Sellafield Discharges There are Radioactive Particles Aplenty.

The following letter has been sent to the Mid-Copeland Community Partnership ("partnership" led by industry/govnt promoting a deep hot nuclear dump aka Geological Disposal Facility). This letter was also sent to the press. Send by email 10th June 2024 Dear Cllr Andy Pratt I am writing to you in your role as Chair of the …

Continue reading WARNING to Parents: 175 Years Ago Fission Product Radioactive Particles in Sand Castles Would Be Impossible. Now, After 70 Years of Sellafield Discharges There are Radioactive Particles Aplenty.

The Environment Agency Invite You to Ask Them Questions On Nuclear Dumping in Cumbria

EMAIL sent today to Nuclear@environment-agency.gov.uk Dear Alan McGoff,I would like to attend the meeting with the Environment Agency Regulators and officers to be held using MS Teams on Thursday 23rd May from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.I am writing on behalf of LAND (Lakes Against Nuclear Dump - a Radiation Free Lakeland campaign) and strongly agree with …

Continue reading The Environment Agency Invite You to Ask Them Questions On Nuclear Dumping in Cumbria

A Quarter of a Century Ago NIREX was Refused Its “Rock Characterisation Facility” For Low to Intermediate Level Radioactive Wastes on the Lake District Coast – Now the Nuclear Industry Thinks It Can Get Away With Dumping Far Hotter Wastes Because Cumbria Has a Short Memory?

Poster Against the 1990s NIREX plan for a Rock Laboratory to test the geology for deep dumping of low to intermediate level radioactive waste - now in a vicious mission creep the plan is Much Worse and Government and Nuclear Industry are ALREADY on with the rock characterisation over the heads of the public. It …

Continue reading A Quarter of a Century Ago NIREX was Refused Its “Rock Characterisation Facility” For Low to Intermediate Level Radioactive Wastes on the Lake District Coast – Now the Nuclear Industry Thinks It Can Get Away With Dumping Far Hotter Wastes Because Cumbria Has a Short Memory?

“Lake District’s Hidden Jewel” is putting itself forward for the Nuclear Sprawl of a Geological Disposal Facility

Irton Hall (image from Wikipedia) IRTON HALL is described as the "Lake District's Hidden Jewel". But the "Lake District" has been ruled out of GDF plans hasn't it? Well yes but there is a false red line. It is only the National Park Authority who do not recognise the Lake District beyond their faux red …

Continue reading “Lake District’s Hidden Jewel” is putting itself forward for the Nuclear Sprawl of a Geological Disposal Facility

Town Councillors in Egremont are “Furious” about litter – So how do they feel about Nuclear Litter?

Quite rightly town councillors in Egremont are proud of their market town and its heritage. They are "furious at litter in heritage spot". This begs the question - how do Egremont town councillors feel about being in the firing line for the worst kind of litter? The area has, according to Radioactive Waste Management, the …

Continue reading Town Councillors in Egremont are “Furious” about litter – So how do they feel about Nuclear Litter?